Monday 24 July 2017

Art of giving 100% at right time

We all must have heard a number of times in different places about- " Just giving your 100% and stop worrying about the result". But no one told how and when to do it. Timing and the way we give our 100% is more important than being 100% all the time. I can prove this point just by illustating some situations.

Whenever we start some new course like graduation/ post- graduation or join a new company, people tell us that we can relax in starting but later we will have to work harder for work completion. But according to me this is the right time for giving your 100%, and reasons are:-

  1. Now, who so ever says this must have done the same thing in their life too. They say that we can RELAX because their is less work to do in every course in initial phases. But if you really want to be good in something, this initial phase where their is least burden from academics, you can actually gain +1  points here by doing some homework on your course/job and be a smart guy. 
  2. The second reason is - "First impression is the last impression". And trust me either you are in college or in a company, impression has a big role to play. So instead of representing your lazy self to your boss or your professor, you can become someone who shows interest in every meeting/lecture, who has done self study of what's going to be discussed. In short, just genuinly giving your 100% at the start of your new work. Timing cannot be more perfect.
  3. The last and very important reason is- Coming out of inertia. We all have heard about Newton' s law of inertia. I m not gonna discuss the law, so don't worry. But the law somewhere says that when some object is not moving(inertia), we need to apply some force for moving it depending upon what speed we want to give to the object. Same thing applies to our life, if we have to come out of inertia of not studying, we need to apply some motivation. Now, biggest benefit of giving 100 %  in initial phase is that the speed you want to acquire is really low and you can easily get such motivation. But if you RELAX and wait for the burden to increase, you will require equal amout of inner motivation and commitment.  
I very well know that, this is not what everyone can do and i m no one to force you. I m just trying to show some positive facts of giving 100% at right time. So guys, i hope this post will be helpful for some of us who wants to be a smart worker in his/ her field.

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