Sunday 23 July 2017

Top 10 Reasons why you should make HANDWRITTEN notes

What I m going to tell here are very common points but still  ignored by many as we grow more and more.

  1. First and foremost, making notes always keeps your attention onto what the teacher/trainer is saying and stops your mind from getting lost in your own world.
  2. Notes take away your reliance on your friends and make you independent in terms of studies to some extent.
  3. The habit of note making helps you from missing any key point taught in a lecture, which your brain can easily forget.
  4. Notes keeps the study material in a sequence as covered in lecture which later helps our mind while revising. Although our brain can remember many things bur remembering everything taught in a sequence is not what our brain can do easily.
  5. We can consolidate information from more than one source in one note copy.
  6. Notes are the key to fast and efficient revision. Revision is something which can become the only reason for extra brilliant performance.
  7. Having a good notes not only helps in revising but also makes an image in your mind about all topics covered in a sequence.   
  8. Studying from ppts or pdf file gives lots of stress to our eyes. Hard copy notes brings us to physical world and gives some peaceful time to our precious eyes.
  9. Making notes in a lecture gives a positive impression of yours towards the trainer/professor and makes you look different from others who are just listening.
  10. With handwritten notes its easy to mark important points with different highlighters.
I hope this post will help some of us in reminding what making notes can do. 

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