Monday 24 July 2017

Art of giving 100% at right time

We all must have heard a number of times in different places about- " Just giving your 100% and stop worrying about the result". But no one told how and when to do it. Timing and the way we give our 100% is more important than being 100% all the time. I can prove this point just by illustating some situations.

Whenever we start some new course like graduation/ post- graduation or join a new company, people tell us that we can relax in starting but later we will have to work harder for work completion. But according to me this is the right time for giving your 100%, and reasons are:-

  1. Now, who so ever says this must have done the same thing in their life too. They say that we can RELAX because their is less work to do in every course in initial phases. But if you really want to be good in something, this initial phase where their is least burden from academics, you can actually gain +1  points here by doing some homework on your course/job and be a smart guy. 
  2. The second reason is - "First impression is the last impression". And trust me either you are in college or in a company, impression has a big role to play. So instead of representing your lazy self to your boss or your professor, you can become someone who shows interest in every meeting/lecture, who has done self study of what's going to be discussed. In short, just genuinly giving your 100% at the start of your new work. Timing cannot be more perfect.
  3. The last and very important reason is- Coming out of inertia. We all have heard about Newton' s law of inertia. I m not gonna discuss the law, so don't worry. But the law somewhere says that when some object is not moving(inertia), we need to apply some force for moving it depending upon what speed we want to give to the object. Same thing applies to our life, if we have to come out of inertia of not studying, we need to apply some motivation. Now, biggest benefit of giving 100 %  in initial phase is that the speed you want to acquire is really low and you can easily get such motivation. But if you RELAX and wait for the burden to increase, you will require equal amout of inner motivation and commitment.  
I very well know that, this is not what everyone can do and i m no one to force you. I m just trying to show some positive facts of giving 100% at right time. So guys, i hope this post will be helpful for some of us who wants to be a smart worker in his/ her field.

Sunday 23 July 2017

Top 10 Reasons why you should make HANDWRITTEN notes

What I m going to tell here are very common points but still  ignored by many as we grow more and more.

  1. First and foremost, making notes always keeps your attention onto what the teacher/trainer is saying and stops your mind from getting lost in your own world.
  2. Notes take away your reliance on your friends and make you independent in terms of studies to some extent.
  3. The habit of note making helps you from missing any key point taught in a lecture, which your brain can easily forget.
  4. Notes keeps the study material in a sequence as covered in lecture which later helps our mind while revising. Although our brain can remember many things bur remembering everything taught in a sequence is not what our brain can do easily.
  5. We can consolidate information from more than one source in one note copy.
  6. Notes are the key to fast and efficient revision. Revision is something which can become the only reason for extra brilliant performance.
  7. Having a good notes not only helps in revising but also makes an image in your mind about all topics covered in a sequence.   
  8. Studying from ppts or pdf file gives lots of stress to our eyes. Hard copy notes brings us to physical world and gives some peaceful time to our precious eyes.
  9. Making notes in a lecture gives a positive impression of yours towards the trainer/professor and makes you look different from others who are just listening.
  10. With handwritten notes its easy to mark important points with different highlighters.
I hope this post will help some of us in reminding what making notes can do. 

Sunday 7 May 2017

Long Distance Relationships (even saying it takes time)

Hey friends, this post is not for all of us. Ya, anyone can read it. But, only some will get something out of it. And i think the post tittle conveys who is gonna like this post.

Long distance relationships are very common between 22-28 years age people. And sometimes its starts before that age too. In starting, nothing looks so different. As we have lots of memories to stick on. This easy going time may last for an year or two. It very much depends on the circumstances in which you are living. If we have friends who spend lot of time with their boyfriends, doing clubbing or if you are studying in a really romantic place like some hill stations, then life's gonna show you tough times dear.  And the easy going time will soon be over and you are gonna miss everything you had. You will meet new peoples and would definitely want to spend some quality time with some of them. And there may be someone who is attracted towards you, or you are attracted towards someone. Millions of thoughts run around your mind.  You don't want to cheat you boyfriend ever. But you can't deny the fact that you are missing what others are having. So, you pass many days and ignore the feeling which you are going through. Well its easy to say that you have to control yourself and be loyal. But, it is easy only for  saying. Doing it, takes your heart and soul out. But does long distance relationships supposed to be like this? So much pain, so much struggle. No....Not at all.There must be some way, there has to be.

All those who are in long distance relationships and you think that your partner is perfect for you but the only problem is distance,you need to see what's actually happening. Lets take an example, when we eat something we love to eat like ice cream or pizza, we become so happy. Isn't it? . But just imagine yourself eating that ice cream daily expecting the same excitement and happiness.Will you get it?. Well, i doubt it. At most you are gonna hate it on 15th day.  Similarly, in long distance  relationship also, when we don't meet our partners for long time, we want to feel that excitement again. And when we spend some good time with other guy, we feel that same excitement that we felt when we ate ice cream. But we don't eat ice cream daily, because we know that it's not good for us. So, why not in relationships. And it's your life partner you are talking about. Life partners is not supposed to make you feel exciting every time you meet him/her. Everything becomes boring and usual and loses excitement after some time. But, we don't stop doing them. Another example can be , which is a weird one, our parents. Well, they don't always act like we want them to. However, other parents may act like we want. But, do we think changing our parents, or going to their house and living with them for sometime. We don't do that. Because we belong to them and we like our parents company no matter how they are. We are most comfortable in front of them only.
So, the person who you choose for yourself might not be with you all the time, might not  look that charming after 3-4 years or may not excite you much, but if you are most comfortable with him, then no matter how much other handsome guy attract you, he/she is the one, you should spend rest of your life with.

Saturday 14 January 2017

Gossips- I don't fear you now

In life, we meet lots of people. Some of them likes us ,some of them don't. But have you noticed that those who don't like us used to like us sometime. They start disliking when they find something which they think is wrong. And this disliking is just based on there own life's experience till today. When we get to know this, these things starts to bother over mind a lot of times. Our mind cannot see itself not liked by someone. But this is a mind's problem. Let's try to see complete picture.

Suppose someone was once our friend . They used to talk to us nicely. When they came closer , they get to know us. Some of our habits started bothering them. They start thinking about those habits and judging us that why i am like this. When we get to know that they don't like us because of some habit, first of all we are hurt. And our mind cannot accept this fact. So it tries to solve this. We go to that person and try to solve it. We somehow manage to feel that now they think good for us. This is what all of us do. But is it the best way to solve these situations.

No,i think there is a better way. Instead of trying to look good in others eye, we must first look ourselves through our own eyes.Why i m saying this is because , we should not depend on any others opinion about you. If we will depend, then we will just live our lives based on others likes and dislikes. Our life should not be what others want it to be, it should be what you want it to be.There are many peoples with different set of life's experience , if we will base our life on there reaction toward our action, in keeping everyone happy we will never be able to express what we actually are. And that's a big loss. So, let others think what they wanna think. If you think that your intention and your doings are not bad , then you should always feel good for yourself. You can say to yourself that "You are a good person, no matter what others say and think about you".