Saturday 14 January 2017

Gossips- I don't fear you now

In life, we meet lots of people. Some of them likes us ,some of them don't. But have you noticed that those who don't like us used to like us sometime. They start disliking when they find something which they think is wrong. And this disliking is just based on there own life's experience till today. When we get to know this, these things starts to bother over mind a lot of times. Our mind cannot see itself not liked by someone. But this is a mind's problem. Let's try to see complete picture.

Suppose someone was once our friend . They used to talk to us nicely. When they came closer , they get to know us. Some of our habits started bothering them. They start thinking about those habits and judging us that why i am like this. When we get to know that they don't like us because of some habit, first of all we are hurt. And our mind cannot accept this fact. So it tries to solve this. We go to that person and try to solve it. We somehow manage to feel that now they think good for us. This is what all of us do. But is it the best way to solve these situations.

No,i think there is a better way. Instead of trying to look good in others eye, we must first look ourselves through our own eyes.Why i m saying this is because , we should not depend on any others opinion about you. If we will depend, then we will just live our lives based on others likes and dislikes. Our life should not be what others want it to be, it should be what you want it to be.There are many peoples with different set of life's experience , if we will base our life on there reaction toward our action, in keeping everyone happy we will never be able to express what we actually are. And that's a big loss. So, let others think what they wanna think. If you think that your intention and your doings are not bad , then you should always feel good for yourself. You can say to yourself that "You are a good person, no matter what others say and think about you".